Tariq Kassam

Balancing Business and Fatherhood: My Journey

As someone who has dedicated over 15 years to the real estate industry and is deeply involved in various investment ventures, finding a balance between my professional responsibilities and being a devoted father of two has been both a challenge and a rewarding journey. Juggling these roles requires intentional effort, but the lessons I’ve learned along the way have been invaluable. I want to share some insights on how I strive to achieve this balance and the strategies that have helped me manage both worlds effectively.

Embracing the Importance of Family Time

One of the first things I realized in my journey of balancing business and fatherhood is the importance of prioritizing family time. It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of running a business and making investment decisions, but nothing compares to the moments spent with my children. I make it a priority to carve out time in my schedule for family activities, whether it’s a weekend outing, helping with school projects, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home.

To ensure I’m present for these moments, I set clear boundaries between work and family time. When I’m with my family, I focus on being fully engaged rather than allowing work to intrude. This approach not only strengthens our family bonds but also helps me return to work with a refreshed and positive mindset.

Building a Supportive Network

Balancing business and fatherhood is not something I can do alone. Having a supportive network of family, friends, and colleagues has been crucial. My spouse plays an essential role in managing our household and supporting the children, which allows me to focus on my professional responsibilities when needed. Additionally, I rely on a team of trusted professionals in my business who can handle various tasks, from property management to investment analysis. Delegating responsibilities and trusting my team has been key to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Setting Realistic Goals and Priorities

In both business and parenting, setting realistic goals and priorities has been vital. In my professional life, I set clear objectives and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This helps me stay focused and efficient, ensuring that I can address critical business matters without getting overwhelmed. Similarly, in my role as a father, I set goals for the kind of parent I want to be and prioritize activities that align with those goals.

By establishing priorities, I can manage my time more effectively and ensure that I’m making progress in both areas of my life. It also helps me avoid the trap of trying to do everything at once, which can lead to burnout and stress.

Practicing Time Management

Effective time management is a cornerstone of balancing business and fatherhood. I use a variety of tools and strategies to stay organized and make the most of my time. This includes maintaining a detailed calendar, setting reminders for important tasks and deadlines, and blocking out specific times for work and family activities.

I also practice the art of compartmentalization—when I’m working, I focus solely on work tasks, and when I’m with my family, I put work aside. This separation helps me be more present and effective in both areas. Additionally, I regularly review and adjust my schedule to ensure that I’m meeting my goals and making time for the things that matter most.

Embracing Flexibility

While structure and planning are important, flexibility is also crucial. The nature of both business and family life means that unexpected events can arise, requiring adjustments to my plans. Whether it’s a last-minute business meeting or a family emergency, being adaptable helps me manage these situations without becoming overwhelmed.

I’ve learned to approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset and to remain open to adjusting my schedule as needed. Flexibility allows me to respond to changing circumstances while still maintaining a sense of balance and control.

Finding Joy in the Journey

Balancing business and fatherhood isn’t just about managing time and responsibilities—it’s also about finding joy in the journey. I’ve discovered that embracing the ups and downs of both worlds and celebrating small victories along the way brings fulfillment and happiness. Whether it’s witnessing my children’s achievements or reaching a business milestone, I take time to acknowledge and appreciate these moments.

By focusing on the positive aspects of both my professional and personal life, I find motivation and satisfaction in my daily routine. This positive outlook helps me stay energized and committed to both my role as a father and a business professional.

Seeking Personal Growth

Finally, balancing business and fatherhood has been an opportunity for personal growth. The skills I’ve developed in managing my time, setting priorities, and leading a team have enhanced my ability to be an effective parent. Conversely, the lessons learned from parenting, such as patience, empathy, and resilience, have made me a better leader and decision-maker in my business.

This ongoing process of growth and self-improvement has enriched both aspects of my life, making me more adaptable and fulfilling my roles with greater purpose and dedication.


Balancing business and fatherhood is a continuous journey that requires careful planning, support, and flexibility. By prioritizing family time, building a supportive network, setting realistic goals, and embracing both structure and flexibility, I’ve been able to navigate the demands of both worlds effectively. The lessons learned and the joy found in this balance make the effort worthwhile, reminding me of the importance of cherishing both my professional achievements and my role as a father.

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